Curio UI Scripting Reference

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This page is part of the Infrastructure Guide. This is the documentation for the Curio client JavaScript UI programming environment.

JavaScript Client Globals

Remarks [edit]

Abilities Global (Full Article)

Global access to the abilities system for creating and triggering client abilities

Action Global (Full Article)

Audio Global (Full Article)

Camera Global (Full Article)

Debug Global (Full Article)

Events Global (Full Article)

GUI Global (Full Article)

Interactions Global (Full Article)

Inventory Global (Full Article)

Keybinds Global (Full Article)

Physics Global (Full Article)

Popup Global (Full Article)

ResourceManager Global (Full Article)

Room Global (Full Article)

Script Global (Full Article)

Social Global (Full Article)

TargetUtility Global (Full Article)

Tooltip Global (Full Article)

Translator Global (Full Article)

Global class for handling translations

WebClient Global (Full Article)

JavaScript Client Objects

Remarks [edit]

AvatarSocialInfo (Full Article)

GUIAudio (Full Article)

A class representing a configurable audio resource for a UI element

GUIRectTransform (Full Article)

Javascript wrapper about RectTransform

GUISprite (Full Article)

A class representing an image and the configuration to display it

InventoryContainer (Full Article)

InventoryView (Full Article)

JSAbility (Full Article)

JSAbilityBase (Full Article)

JSAbilityGroup (Full Article)

JSCamera (Full Article)

JSChatChannel (Full Article)

SelectionManager (Full Article)

TargetObject (Full Article)

WebClient (Full Article)

Class for making web requests to servers from the client

JavaScript Client GUI Objects

Remarks [edit]

GUI3DView (Full Article)

A surface to display a MiniDOM camera

GUI3DWindow (Full Article)

Component for a window panel that appears in world space attached to a DOMObject

GUIBaseWindow (Full Article)

A basic panel that can hold components somewhere on the screen

GUIButton (Full Article)

A component representing a clickable button

GUIChatSurface (Full Article)

A GUI surface that can receive chat messages on particular channels

GUIChatWebView (Full Article)

Experimental Web surface for displaying chat

GUICollapsiblePanel (Full Article)

Component representing a panel that expands and collapses from a toggle

GUIColorPicker (Full Article)

Component representing a small dropdown that configures its color through RGB sliders

GUIComboBox (Full Article)

Component representing a dropdown list of options to choose from

GUIComponent (Full Article)

This is the base class for all GUI components. More

GUIContainer (Full Article)

A base class for all hierachical GUI windows and components

GUIContextMenu (Full Article)

A specialized form of GUIMenu for when we open context menus

GUIDragItem (Full Article)

A UI component designed to be dragged and dropped

GUIDropdownComponent (Full Article)

Abstract class representing components which open to have a panel of subobjects when clicked

GUIFilePicker (Full Article)

Component representing a text field you can use to browse for files from

GUIFlexibleGrid (Full Article)

GUIFriendsSurface (Full Article)

A surface which automatically displays the list of friends/requests/ignores/local personas.

GUIGrid (Full Article)

A component for gridded layouts where all elements have the same size

GUIImageBox (Full Article)

Simple component representing an image or icon

GUILabel (Full Article)

A component representing a written text label

GUILargeColorPicker (Full Article)

A component allowing people to customize a color choice through HSV and RGB options

GUILayoutComponent (Full Article)

An abstract class for components which support LayoutGroups

GUIMenu (Full Article)

A component representing a menu of options to pick from

GUIPanel (Full Article)

A component representing a panel with layout and subcomponents

GUIScrollBox (Full Article)

A component representing a scrollable surface.

GUISearchField (Full Article)

A text field with search functionality

GUISelectableComponent (Full Article)

An abstract class for Unity components deriving from Selectable

GUISlider (Full Article)

Component representing a handle we can slide back and forth to adjust a value

GUISmartTabControl (Full Article)

GUISmartTabItem (Full Article)

GUISplitContainer (Full Article)

GUITabControl (Full Article)

A component with two sections - tabs to choose from and a display area where the active tab's panel is shown

GUITabItem (Full Article)

A tab item inside a TabControl with an associated panel

GUITextArea (Full Article)

A multi-line scrollbox-enabled text area

GUITextField (Full Article)

A component representing a non-scrolling text field.

GUIToggle (Full Article)

A component representing a control that can toggle between true and false states

GUIToolbar (Full Article)

GUITree (Full Article)

A UI component representing a hierarchical tree of nodes (like in File Explorers)

GUITreeNode (Full Article)

Component representing a node in a GUITree

GUIWebView (Full Article)

A UI component representing a web page

GUIWindow (Full Article)

A "standard" window that includes a draggable area, resize features, and a close button

NetworkConfirmation (Full Article)

A component for showing network messages in the notification area in the bottom right

PopupWindow (Full Article)

Popup windows of all types (Confirm, Error, Info, Text Input)

TooltipWindow (Full Article)

An instance of the window that appears when displaying tooltips over a UI element or World element.

JavaScript Client DOM Objects

Remarks [edit]

JSDOMObject (Full Article)

JavaScript Client Tween Engine

Remarks [edit]

Tween Engine (Full Article)

Tween engine

TweenAnimation (Full Article)

Tween animation base class

TweenCatalog (Full Article)

Tween animation catalog

TweenCatalogEntry (Full Article)

Tween animation catalog entry

TweenColor (Full Article)

Tween animation color extension

TweenFade (Full Article)

Tween animation fade extension

TweenMove (Full Article)

Tween animation move extension

TweenSequence (Full Article)

Tween animation sequence extension

TweenSize (Full Article)

Tween animation size extension

TweenTransform (Full Article)

Tween animation transform extension

TweenValue (Full Article)

Tween animation value extension