GUI Global

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  • This is a JavaScript global object named GUI

Remarks [edit]


bool BackgroundBlur {get;}
Returns whether or not the Frosted UI feature is enabled
float DPI {get;}
float Framerate {get;}
float FramerateFrequency {get; set;}
int Height {get;}
Returns the height (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space.
bool IsLoading {get;}
float Latency {get;}
int Width {get;}
Returns the width (in pixels) of the client-usable screen space


Event fired when the user changes the preference for BackgroundBlur


GUIBaseWindow CreateBaseWindow(string name = "")
GUIContainer CreateComponent(string type)
GUIBaseWindow CreateRawWindow(string name = "")
GUIWindow CreateWindow(string name = "")
void DefineGlobalTemplates(string json)
void DefineLocalTemplates(string json)
void DropFocus()
void EnableFreecam(bool enabled)
string[] FindResources(string path, string extensions)
bool GetKey(string key)
IEnumerable<string> GetTypeNames()
GUIBaseWindow GetWindowByName(string name)
void InfoFadeout(string message)
string LoadJSON(string filename)
void LoadTemplates(string uiFile, string uiOverlayFile = NULL)
GUIBaseWindow LoadUI(string json)
GUIBaseWindow LoadUIFile(string uiFile, string layerName = NULL)
GUIBaseWindow LoadUIFileEx(string uiFile, string uiOverlayFile, string layerName = NULL)
string LoadUISettings(string filename)
bool NavigateTo(string address, string startpoint = "")
GUIWindow NewWindow(string name = "")
bool RegisterGlobalTexture(string name, ResourceValue texture)
void RegisterTutorialItem(string tutorialIdentifier, string itemIdentifier, GUIContainer target, string message)
void Reload()
void SetCameraBloom(float amount)
void SetCameraBlur(bool enabled, float amount)
void SetCameraContrastEnhance(float amount)
void SetCameraFisheye(float amount)
void SetCameraMotionBlur(float amount)
void SetCameraNoise(float amount)
void SetCameraSaturation(float amount)
void SetCameraShake(float amount)
void SetCameraVignetting(bool enabled, float vignettingAmount, float edgeBlurAmount)
void SetCameraWobble(float angle, float speed)
void SetSmallTooltipOffset(float x, float y)
void SetTooltipDelay(float ms)
void SetTooltipOffset(float x, float y)
void ShowConfirmation(AutoString title, AutoString description, string buttonOptions, JSFlexibleFunction callback)
void ShowNotification(AutoString title, AutoString description, string buttons, int timeoutInMilliseconds = 0, JSFlexibleFunction callback = NULL)
void ShowTutorial(string tutorialIdentifier)