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Javascript wrapper about RectTransform

  • This is a JavaScript visible object

Remarks [edit]


JSVector2 AnchorMax {get; set;}
Gets/Sets the anchorMax for the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
JSVector2 AnchorMin {get; set;}
Gets/Sets the anchorMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it anchors itself to its parent.
RectOffset Offset {get; set;}
Gets/Sets both offsetMin and offsetMax at once as a RectOffset (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
JSVector2 OffsetMax {get; set;}
Gets/Sets the offsetMax of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMax.
JSVector2 OffsetMin {get; set;}
Gets/Sets the offsetMin of the underlying RectTransform, changing how many pixels it offsets itself from the anchorMin.
JSVector2 Pivot {get; set;}
Gets/Sets the pivot of the underlying RectTransform, changing how the sizeDelta is divided along the horizontal and vertical axis
JSVector2 Position {get; set;}
Gets/Sets the anchoredPosition of the underlying RectTransform, changing how it positions itself against its parent
Rectangle Rect {get;}
Gets the rect of the underlying RectTransform
float Rotation {get; set;}
Gets/Sets the z-rotation of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object to rotate flat to the viewing camera.
JSVector2 Scale {get; set;}
Gets/Sets the scale of the underlying RectTransform, allowing the object and its children to be scaled without adjusting their transforms relative to each other.
JSVector2 SizeDelta {get; set;}
Gets/Sets the sizeDelta of the underlying RectTransform, changing how large the transform is relative to its anchors.


DockStyle ResetAnchor(DockStyle dockStyle)
void SetAnchorMax(JSVector2 value)
void SetAnchorMin(JSVector2 value)
void SetPivot(JSVector2 value)