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A text field with search functionality

Remarks [edit]


GUIButton ClearButton {get;}
Button displayed to the right of the search field for clearing the text
bool DisplayPreviousResults {get; set;}
Enables prevous search menu
int MaxStoredResults {get; set;}
The maximum amount of previous searches to store
Note: Only manually commited searches are added
int MinimumSearchLength {get; set;}
Minimum number of characters before we trigger a search
GUILabel PlaceholderLabel {get;}
The placeholder label displayed when there is no search and the text field is not focused
int RecentSearchCount {get;}
Returns how many entries there are in the recent searches list.
float ResultsDelay {get; set;}
A delay between typing and when the search starts (In seconds)
GUIImageBox SearchIcon {get;}
Icon displayed to the left of the search field
bool ShowClearButton {get; set;}
Allows the clear button to display if there is a search value
bool SubmitOnEnter {get; set;}
Should submit automatically fire when the user presses Enter?
string Value {get; set;}
The value that will be searched upon commit


Event fired when a search is submitted
Event fired whenever the text in the search field changes


void AddRecent(string recent)
Adds an item to the recent searches list
void ClearRecents()
Clears all entries from the recent searches list
int FindRecent(string recent)
Returns the index of the recent search entry matching
string GetRecent(int index)
Returns the recent search at a particular index
void RemoveRecent(string recent)
Removes an entry for the recent searches list
void SetFocus()
Brings focus to this component