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An abstract class for Unity components deriving from Selectable

Remarks [edit]


JSVector4 Border {get; set;}
Sets the border across all defined textures
GUIAudio ClickSound {get;}
Reference to audio clip we play when clicking on this component
Color32 DisabledColor {get; set;}
What color tint do we apply to the texture when disabled? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
GUISprite DisabledTexture {get;}
What texture do we change to when this component is disabled? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
bool Enabled {get; set;}
Can we click/interact with this component?
float FadeDuration {get; set;}
How long should a ColorTint transition take to apply?
bool FillCenter {get; set;}
If the sprite is set to Sliced, should the center be filled?
Color32 HoverColor {get; set;}
What color tint do we apply to the texture when hovering over it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
GUIAudio HoverSound {get;}
Reference to audio clip we play when hovering over this component
GUISprite HoverTexture {get;}
What texture do we change to when we hover over this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
Type ImageType {get; set;}
What method should we use to display this image?
GUISelectableComponent NextResponder {get; set;}
If we tab away from this component, which component should be the next one to receive focus?
Color32 NormalColor {get; set;}
What color tint do we apply to the underlying image?
GUISprite NormalTexture {get;}
What texture is set for this component normally?
bool PreserveAspect {get; set;}
Should the aspect ratio of the image be preserved when stretched?
Color32 PressedColor {get; set;}
What color tint do we apply to the texture when pressing it? (note: only in Transition ColorTint)
GUISprite PressedTexture {get;}
What texture do we change to when we press this component? (note: only in Transition SpriteSwap)
bool TabStop {get; set;}
Should tabbing through controls stop on this component?
GUILabel Text {get;}
Reference to the label on this component
Transition Transition {get; set;}
Which transition system do we use to effect hovers/clicks?


Event fired when focus is lost on this component
Event fired when focus comes to this component (via clicking or tab navigating)
Event fired when mouse first crosses over
Event fired when mouse stops being over this component
Event fired when we open a context menu from this component


void SetFocus()
Brings focus to this component