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  • Inherits class: GUIComponent
  • This is a JavaScript visible object

Remarks [edit]


bool AllowFlexibleRowHeight {get; set;}
int ColumnCount {get; set;}
float ColumnSpacing {get; set;}
GUISprite Image {get;}
RectOffset Padding {get; set;}
int RowCount {get; set;}
float RowMinHeight {get; set;}
float RowSpacing {get; set;}
Corner StartCorner {get; set;}


GUIContainer AddColumn()
int AddRow(string[] templates = NULL)
IEnumerable<GUIContainer> AppendRow(string[] templates = NULL)
bool DeleteRow(int rowIndex)
List<GUIComponent> GetChildren()
Override this to provide a way of finding the children of a component that has a more complex hierarchy, such as scroll boxes and grids
ColumnViewInfo GetColumnViewInfo(int column)
IEnumerable<GUIContainer> GetRow(int rowIndex)
void NewColumnInfo(float flexibleWidth = 0.0, float minWidth = 20.0, float width = 100.0, string itemTemplate = NULL)