Layer One Exports

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IAbilityInfo (Full Article)

Information about an ability or ability group

See also: Ability System

IAbilitySet (Full Article)

An Ability Set represents the combined set of a Connection Identity's abilities. Abilities are organized as a hierarchy if ability groups with abilities which can be enabled or blocked at any level. Abilities can be presented by UI Scripts, and when "fired" can be responded to by components to carry out all sorts of operations.

See also: Ability System

See also: UI Scripting

IAccountInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about a persona which is a type of Entity

IAreaGroupInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about an area group which is a type of Worldspace

IAreaInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about an area (any part of Worldspace).

IBuildLocationInfo (Full Article)

A writable location info interface, used during navigation to modify target locations

IChatChannelExtended (Full Article)

An interface to a Layer One ChatChannelExtended javascript object. These will only be passed in to Layer Two methods that are offered to the JavaScript environment, and would be dangerous to access outside of one of those calls which always happen in the context of a JavaScript Isolate thread

IClientConnection (Full Article)

Represents a client connection.

IComponentActivity (Full Article)

Represents a component's role in a user workflow. There are two workflows: Authenticate, and Navigate. These workflows are complex and have many steps. You may want to respond to various events (steps) along a workflow by pausing the workflow to communicate with an outside service, or to present the user with interstitial UI (like an ad, poll, billing interface, etc). Many of the events in ILoginEvents, INavigateEvents, and IPersonaSelectionEvents offer this object which can be used to accomplish this Call RegisterPendingOperation to pause the workflow. Call CompletePendingOperation later to resume it. You can call SetReturnValue if an event is requesting something from L2. You can set Cancelled and ErrorMessage if you want to report a problem and cancel the workflow.

IComponentInfo (Full Article)

Information about a component (plugin) installed on the server

IConfirmationHandle (Full Article)

Represents a confirmation request in progress with a client

IConnectionIdentity (Full Article)

Represents a user connected to the system and a Layer One Connection Identity from the Instance Host's point of view. Provides identity details (entity memberships), current location and Participant, and provides access to many other Layer One objects related to the connection.

IConnectionIdentityBase (Full Article)

Represents the base of an IConnectionIdentity or ISessionManager

ICurrencyInfo (Full Article)

Information about an installed Financial System currency

IDOMControllerExtended (Full Article)

An interface to a Layer One DOMControllerExtended javascript object. These will only be passed in to Layer Two methods that are offered to the JavaScript environment, and would be dangerous to access outside of one of those calls which always happen in the context of a JavaScript Isolate thread

IDOMGeometryExtended (Full Article)

An interface to a Layer One DOMGeometryExtended javascript object. These will only be passed in to Layer Two methods that are offered to the JavaScript environment, and would be dangerous to access outside of one of those calls which always happen in the context of a JavaScript Isolate thread

IDOMObjectExtended (Full Article)

An interface to a Layer One DOMObjectExtended javascript object. These will only be passed in to Layer Two methods that are offered to the JavaScript environment, and would be dangerous to access outside of one of those calls which always happen in the context of a JavaScript Isolate thread

IDOMRenderableExtended (Full Article)

An interface to a Layer One DOMRenderableExtended javascript object. These will only be passed in to Layer Two methods that are offered to the JavaScript environment, and would be dangerous to access outside of one of those calls which always happen in the context of a JavaScript Isolate thread

IDOMTransformExtended (Full Article)

An interface to a Layer One DOMTransformExtended javascript object. These will only be passed in to Layer Two methods that are offered to the JavaScript environment, and would be dangerous to access outside of one of those calls which always happen in the context of a JavaScript Isolate thread

IDynamicGroupInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about a dynamic group which is a type of Entity. Connections can be added to dynamic group entities at runtime by components.

IEntityEntry (Full Article)

Information about a single entity currently represented by an IConnectionIdentity

IEntityGroupInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about an entity group which is a type of Entity

IEntityInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about an Entity (the base for all Entities)

IExperienceData (Full Article)

A collection of experience metrics for an IConnectionIdentity

IExperienceMetric (Full Article)

Information about a specific experience metric associated with an IConnectionIdentity

IIdentityBase (Full Article)

The base of an identity of any kind. Provides basic information about the account, persona, and group memberships of the identity.

IInstanceContext (Full Article)

Represnets a running instance on an Instance Host

IInstanceExtended (Full Article)

An interface to a Layer One InstanceGlobals javascript object. These will only be passed in to Layer Two methods that are offered to the JavaScript environment, and would be dangerous to access outside of one of those calls which always happen in the context of a JavaScript Isolate thread

IInstanceInfo (Full Article)

Base information about a running instance, available on both the service provider and instance host

IInteractionMapping (Full Article)

Represents an interaction mapping registered on an IViewInfo. An interaction mapping connects an IViewAbility to a set of DOM nodes via a CSS-like Selector making the ability into an interaction that can be "triggered on" the selected objects.

IInteractionMappingExtended (Full Article)

An interface to a Layer One InteractionMappingExtended javascript object. These will only be passed in to Layer Two methods that are offered to the JavaScript environment, and would be dangerous to access outside of one of those calls which always happen in the context of a JavaScript Isolate thread

IInventoryItemWrapper (Full Article)

Read-only information about a live inventory item

IJSServerBridge (Full Article)

Represents a running server javascript context

ILayerInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about a layer. Layers are DOM documents stored in ObjectTypes that make up the objects you see in a scene.

ILayerVersionEditSession (Full Article)

Represents an active layer editing session for a version of a layer

ILayerVersionInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about a layer version. Layers are DOM documents stored in ObjectTypes that make up the objects you see in a scene.

ILinkedServerInfo (Full Article)

Information about a partner service provider that we have write access to. Used to initiate server to server transfers.

ILocationInfo (Full Article)

Describes a VWW location

INeedAccountResolve (Full Article)

Used when asking components to resolve an entity to an appropriate financial system account for a given currency.

INeighborInfo (Full Article)

Information about instances of the same scene currently running on a service provider

IObjectContainerInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about an Object Container

IObjectTemplateInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about an Object Template

IObjectTemplateTransaction (Full Article)

Represents an Object Template creation, deletion, or transfer in progress

IParticipant (Full Article)

Information about a participant in an instance (a connected user)

IParticipantExtended (Full Article)

An interface to a Layer One ParticipantExtended javascript object. These will only be passed in to Layer Two methods that are offered to the JavaScript environment, and would be dangerous to access outside of one of those calls which always happen in the context of a JavaScript Isolate thread

IPermissionInfo (Full Article)

Information about a system permission entry

IPersonaInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about a persona which is a type of Entity

IResourceItemFileInfo (Full Article)

Information about a resource item physical file

IResourceItemInfo (Full Article)

Information about a resource item

IResourceTypeInfo (Full Article)

Information about a system resource type

IRuntimeLayer (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about a runtime layer in an instance

ISceneInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about a scene which is a type of Worldspace

ISceneTypeInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about a scene type

ISecurableInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about a Securable (the base for all Worldspace and Entities)

ISessionManager (Full Article)

Represents a user connection from the service provider's point of view.

IStartPointInfo (Full Article)

Information about an available startpoint in an instance

ITransaction (Full Article)

Represents a financial system transaction

ITransactionInfo (Full Article)

Used when resolving accounts for a transaction source

ITransactionReport (Full Article)

A collection of information about financial system transactions

ITransactionReportItem (Full Article)

Represents a single financial system transaction

ITransactionReportTarget (Full Article)

Information about a transaction target (payee)

ITransactionTargetInfo (Full Article)

Used when resolving accounts for transaction targets

ITransferItem (Full Article)

Used when packing transfer package data to allow Layer Two components identify dependancies

IValidationContext (Full Article)

Represents the Instance or ConnectionIdentity's currently visible ObjectContainers

IViewAbility (Full Article)

Information about a runtime ability defined in a view (running instance). See IViewInfo.

IViewInfo (Full Article)

Information about a server hosted view. A view is a piece of DOM that connected users receive updates about, and which can host scripts, custom abilities, interactions, etc. A running instance is one type of view. Components can also create views for things like avatar customization, object previews, etc.

IViewMember (Full Article)

Information about a view member. This represents a connection's presence in a shared DOM view.

See also: Ability System

IVirtualIdentity (Full Article)

Represents a virtual connection identity which can be used to test area permissions that a specific user would have in an area

IWorldInfo (Full Article)

An interface to a structure of information about a world which is a type of Worldspace

OnInteractionEventArgs (Full Article)

information about an interaction being fired / used (see IViewInfo IInteractionMapping IViewAbility)