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Represents an Object Template creation, deletion, or transfer in progress

Remarks [edit]


Guid ComponentID {get;}
The ID of the component that initiated the operation
object Context {get;}
The context object passed along by the component that initiated the operation
IConnectionIdentity Identity {get;}
The ConnectionIdentity of the user executing the operation
bool IgnoringAccessLevels {get;}
True if a component has called IgnoreContainerAccessLevels during validation, or if Identity is null
IObjectTemplateInfo ObjectTemplate {get;}
For Delete and Transfer operations this is the template being acted on (source container can be examined throug this structure)
IObjectTypeInfo ObjectType {get;}
For Create operations, this is the object type for the new template
TemplateTransactionOperation Operation {get;}
The template operation being carried out by this transaction
TemplateTransactionState State {get;}
The current state of the transaction
IObjectContainerInfo TargetContainer {get;}
For Create and Transfer operations this is the target container


void Cancel()
Called by the creator of the transaction to cancel and complete the transaction. The transaction must be successfully validated first.
void Execute()
Called by the creator of the transaction to execute and complete the transaction. The transaction must be successfully validated first.
void IgnoreContainerAccessLevels()
Call this while responding to a ValidateTemplateTransaction event (IObjectEvents) to request that container permissions be ignored
void SetTargetContainer(Guid objectContainerID)
Call this while responding to a ValidateTemplateTransaction event (IObjectEvents) to change the target container for a Create or Transfer operation
bool Validate()
Called by the creator of the transaction to initiate transaction validation. Layer One will fire a ValidateTemplateTransaction event (IObjectEvents) so components can examine, allow or deny, or modify the transaction. If a ConnectionIdentity is available, and components have not requested they be ignored, Layer One will also evaluate container permissions on all containers involved in the transaction.