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Information about a component (plugin) installed on the server

Remarks [edit]


string AssemblyName {get;}
The main assembly name of the component
int BuildNumber {get;}
The build number part of a Major.Minor.BuildNumber version number. The Major version number comes from the installed system software major version number.
Guid ComponentID {get;}
The globally unique ID of the component
DateTime Created {get;}
The UTC date the component was created
string Description {get;}
A text description of the component
bool Enabled {get;}
True if this component will load when the system starts up
DateTime LastUpdated {get;}
The UTC date the component was last updated
int MinorVersion {get;}
The minor part of a Major.Minor.BuildNumber version number. The Major version number comes from the installed system software major version number.
bool Provisional {get;}
True if this component was detected as a new component but not enabled to load yet
string Title {get;}
The title of the component