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Represents a component's role in a user workflow. There are two workflows: Authenticate, and Navigate. These workflows are complex and have many steps. You may want to respond to various events (steps) along a workflow by pausing the workflow to communicate with an outside service, or to present the user with interstitial UI (like an ad, poll, billing interface, etc). Many of the events in ILoginEvents, INavigateEvents, and IPersonaSelectionEvents offer this object which can be used to accomplish this Call RegisterPendingOperation to pause the workflow. Call CompletePendingOperation later to resume it. You can call SetReturnValue if an event is requesting something from L2. You can set Cancelled and ErrorMessage if you want to report a problem and cancel the workflow.

Remarks [edit]


bool Cancelled {get; set;}
Used signal that the workflow should be cancelled when it is released and allowed to run again by calling CompletePendingOperation
string ErrorMessage {get; set;}
Used to set an error message that can be used by the workflow when it is released and allowed to run again by calling CompletePendingOperation


void CompletePendingOperation()
Continues the current user workflow
void RegisterPendingOperation()
Stops the current user workflow until you call CompletePendingOperation.
void SetReturnValue(object value)
Sets the return value from this component activity. If two components call this method, only the last component's value will be returned.