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An interface to a DOMGeometryExtended javascript object. These will only be passed in to Layer Two methods that are offered to the JavaScript environment, and would be dangerous to access outside of one of those calls which always happen in the context of a JavaScript Isolate thread

Remarks [edit]


bool Clickable {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
Marks this object as clickable, mainly used node types derived from DOMRenderable or DOMVolume
ResourceValue Cursor {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
The ResourceValue for the hover-over mouse cursor to use
float CursorDistance {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
The distance in units before which the object can be hovered over with the mouse causing cursor change and/or tooltip activation (if configured)
bool CursorMiddleHotspot {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
True if the center of the cursor image should be used as the hotspot... oh dear why is this not an Point2D offset...
bool Grabbable {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
Marks this object as grabbable, mainly used on node types derived from DOMRenderable
float InteractionDistance {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
The distance in units at which this object can be interacted with (Interactions fired, clicked, selected, etc)
bool Selectable {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
Marks this object as Selectable, mainly used node types derived from DOMRenderable or DOMVolume
bool Targetable {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
Marks this object as targetable, mainly used node types derived from DOMRenderable or DOMVolume
string Tooltip {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
The text for a hover-over tool-tip
ResourceValue TooltipIcon {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
The ResourceValue for a hover-over tool-tip's icon
string TooltipTitle {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMGeometry
The text for a hover-over tool-tip's title