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Information about a server hosted view. A view is a piece of DOM that connected users receive updates about, and which can host scripts, custom abilities, interactions, etc. A running instance is one type of view. Components can also create views for things like avatar customization, object previews, etc.

Remarks [edit]


DOMDocument Document {get;}
The root document for the view
Guid Identifier {get;}
The server-unique ID for the view (usually the ID of the thing being viewed, like an instance ID)
bool UseKeyFrames {get; set;}
Enable or disable the use of keyframes for updates to be send to the client. By default keyframes are enabled.
DOMView View {get;}
The main DOMView that collects updates (changes) for delivery to the client and maintains a node index for high-speed lookups by ID
long ViewID {get;}
The ID of the view sent to the connected client


Fires when a connection joins the view
Fires when a connection leaves the view
Fires when a connected user fires a registered interaction on an DOM object in the view


IInteractionMapping AddInteractionMapping(string selector, Guid abilityID, Guid? entityID, string personaSelector = NULL)
Creates a mapping between a runtime view ability and a set of DOM nodes identified by a CSS-Like selector
IInteractionMapping AddInteractionMapping(IConnectionIdentity identity, string selector, Guid abilityID)
Creates a mapping between a runtime view ability and a set of DOM nodes identified by a CSS-Like selector intended for a specific connection
IViewMember AddMember(IConnectionIdentity identity)
Adds a connection to the view
IViewAbility CreateAbility(Guid abilityID, string identifier, Dictionary<string, object> initialMetadata, float? cooldown = NULL, Guid? entityID = NULL)
Creates a run-time ability associated with a view. Participants of the view will see the available ability as long as they are in the view
IViewAbility CreateAbility(IConnectionIdentity identity, Guid abilityID, string identifier, Dictionary<string, object> initialMetadata, float? cooldown = NULL)
Creates a run-time ability associated with a view. The ability will be delivered to only one connected participant
void Flush()
Flush pending keyframe queue now
IViewMember GetMember(IConnectionIdentity identity)
Looks up an existing view member for this connection
void RemoveMember(IConnectionIdentity identity)
Removes a connection from the view
void UIScriptNotify(IUIScript script, long? objectID = NULL)
Hacky helper... needs refactoring. Sends a script message asking client script to have a mini-dom view focus on a particular object in the DOM (for previews)