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Represents the base of an IConnectionIdentity or ISessionManager

Remarks [edit]


Guid ConnectionID {get;}
The ID of the unique connection to the instance host
CultureInfo Culture {get;}
The culture of the current identity
bool IsConnected {get;}
Determines if this identity is currently connected
ILocationInfo Location {get;}
The connection's current location
bool Observer {get;}
True if this connection will not be given an avatar body when it joins instances
IPAddress RemoteAddress {get;}
The connection endpoint for packets
Guid SessionID {get;}
The ID of the session with the network. This remains constant even as a user connects and re-connects and switches servers
IUserAgentInfo UserAgentInfo {get;}
Provides information about the user agent connected


void ConfirmDialog(AutoString message, Action<bool> responseCallback)
Sends a translatable message to the connected client, and calls back to let you know if they confirmed your question or not. This is implementation dependant.
Uri CreateWebTransferToken(string uri)
Create a web transfer key, and inserts it into the uri provided. Returns an absolute Uri with the token inserted. If the uri is relative, the result is relative to the WebView root, otherwise the token is simply added as a query string parameter.
string CreateWebTransferToken()
Creates a raw Web Transfer token which can be passed to EntitySystem.ConsumeWebTransferToken during the next 60 seconds to get back this connection's AccountID
void Disconnect(bool graceful = true)
Disconnects the user
bool IsFriend(IConnectionIdentityBase other)
Determines if this connection Identity has a friendship relationship with other
bool IsFriend(Guid personaID)
Determines if this connection Identity has a friendship relationship with a given persona ID
bool IsIgnoring(IConnectionIdentityBase other)
Determines if this connection Identity has an ignore relationship against the other
bool IsIgnoring(Guid personaID)
Determines if this connection Identity has an ignore relationship against another persona ID
void Navigate(ILocationInfo location, bool switchPersona = false, Action<PacketErrorStatus, string> completion = NULL)
Navigates this connection to a new location
void Navigate(Uri vwwUri, Guid? instanceID = NULL)
Navigates this connection to a new location given a vwwurl
void Navigate(Guid sceneID, Guid instanceID)
Navigates this connection to a new location given a scene and instance
void Navigate(Guid instanceID)
Navigates this connection to a neighboring instance of the same scene
void Refresh()
If the user is in an instance, they'll be navigated to that same instance, and participant recreated
void SendChatMessage(AutoString message, ColorLevelPreSets colorLevel = ColorLevelPreSets.System)
Sends a translated priority server message to the client as a chat message in their current general chat channel
void SendChatMessage(AutoString message, string name, ColorLevelPreSets colorLevel = ColorLevelPreSets.System)
Sends a translated priority server message to the client as a chat message in their current general chat channel
void SendChatMessage(AutoString message, Guid? channelID, ColorLevelPreSets colorLevel = ColorLevelPreSets.System)
Sends a translated priority server message to the client as a chat message
void SendServerMessage(AutoString message)
Sends a translated priority server message to the client