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An interface to a structure of information about a Securable (the base for all Worldspace and Entities)

Remarks [edit]


DateTime Created {get;}
The UTC date and time this securable was created
bool Hidden {get;}
True if this securable has been marked Hidden, which prevents it from being shown in the admin
ResourceValue Image {get;}
A helper which fetches the "Image" metadata value as a ResourceValue if it's defined on this securable
bool IsDeleting {get;}
True if this securable is in the process of being deleted
bool IsProtected {get;}
True if this securable has been marked Protected, which prevents it from being accidentally deleted
ProtoValue Item {get;}
string Name {get;}
The name of this securable
Guid? ParentID {get;}
If this securable has a logical "Parent" this will be it's SecurableID. (eg, A Scene has a parent World)
Guid SecurableID {get;}
The unique identifier of this securable
SecurableType SecurableType {get;}
An enum specifying the type of this Securable


HashSet<Guid> GetHierarchy(bool includeAreaGroups = false)
Gets the collection of other securables in this securable's parentage hierarchy optionally including area groups
ProtoValue GetMetadataValue(string key)
Gets a metadata value associated with this securable
T GetMetadataValue<T>(string key)
Gets a metadata value of the specified type associated with this securable
T GetMetadataValue<T>(string key, T default)
Gets a metadata value of the specified type associated with this securable, or the supplied default if the value doesn't exist