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Revision as of 21:01, 17 July 2018 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the DOMTransformExtended class)

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Represents a DOMTransform in JavaScript

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string AttachToBone {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
The name of a bone in this node's parent's skeleton to which this object should be attached
bool ExcludeTransform {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
When true, this transform's value is excluded when calculating child node transforms
Point3D Position {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the transform's position component
float RX {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the X part of the transform's rotation component
float RY {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the Y part of the transform's rotation component
float RZ {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the Z part of the transform's rotation component
Point3D Rotation {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the transform's rotation component
Point3D RotationAxis {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
A normal expressing the direction of rotation
float RotationSpeed {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
The speed by which to multiply the RotationAxis
float SX {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the X part of the transform's scale component
float SY {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the Y part of the transform's scale component
float SZ {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the Z part of the transform's scale component
Point3D Scale {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the transform's scale component
DOMTransformExtended TransformParent {get; set;}
Gets a reference to this object’s DOMTransform parent, if it has been set to something other than normal node hierarchy.
long TransformParentID {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Sets the ID of another object in the same view that will be used as this object's transform parent instead of the object's natural position in the DOM hierarchy
Point3D Velocity {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
If this object is moving, this is how fast (in units per second)
Point3D WorldPosition {get;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
float X {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the X part of the transform's position component
float Y {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the Y part of the transform's position component
float Z {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMTransform
Gets or sets the Z part of the transform's position component


DOMPhysicsApproachExtended Approach(DOMTransformExtended target)
Creates a DOMPhysicsApproach node as a direct child. The returned DOMPhysicsExtended can be used to start / stop the operation and monitor for its completion.
double DistanceTo(DOMTransformExtended other)
Gets the square distance between two transforms
DOMPhysicsFacePointExtended FacePoint(JSVector3 target, float speed)
Creates a DOMPhysicsFacePoint node as a direct child that requests this transform rotate about the Y axis to face the specified point. The returned DOMPhysicsExtended can be used to start / stop the operation and monitor for its completion.
DOMPhysicsFaceTargetExtended FaceTarget(DOMTransformExtended target, float speed = 360.0)
Creates a DOMPhysicsFaceTarget node as a direct child that requests this transform rotate about the Y axis to face the specified other DOMTransform target. The returned DOMPhysicsExtended can be used to start / stop the operation and monitor for its completion.
DOMPhysicsFollowExtended Follow(DOMTransformExtended target)
Creates a DOMPhysicsFollow node as a direct child. The returned DOMPhysicsExtended can be used to start / stop the operation and monitor for its completion.
bool MoveTo(float x, float y, float z, float speed, JSFlexibleFunction func = NULL)
Moves this object smoothly, and linearly to the specified x,y,z location over time specified by speed. This is accomplished using a child DOMInterpolation node.
DOMPhysicsPathToExtended PathTo(JSVector3 target)
Creates a DOMPhysicsPathTo node as a direct child that requests this transform be smoothly pathed to the specified coordinates. The returned DOMPhysicsExtended can be used to start / stop the operation and monitor for its completion.
DOMPhysicsPursueExtended Pursue(DOMTransformExtended target)
Creates a DOMPhysicsPursue node as a direct child. The returned DOMPhysicsExtended can be used to start / stop the operation and monitor for its completion.
void ResetTransformParent(bool restoreLastPosition = false)
Resets this object’s transform parent reference to null so that it behaves normaly, transforming relative to the next DOMTransform up the hierarchy.
bool RotateTo(float x, float y, float z, float speed, JSFlexibleFunction func = NULL)
void SetPosition(float x, float y, float z)
Sets the position (transform) of this object from its next parent DOMTransform or from world origin (0,0,0).
void SetRotation(float x, float y, float z)
Sets the rotation of this object relative to its next parent DOMTransform or from (0,0,0)
void SetScale(float x, float y, float z)
Sets the scale of this object relative to its next parent DOMTransform or from (1,1,1)
void SetTransformParent(DOMTransformExtended target, JSVector3 position = NULL, JSVector3 rotation = NULL, JSVector3 scale = NULL)
Sets this objects transform parent reference to the specified DOMTransform preventing it from transforming relative to the next DOMTransform up the hierarchy, but rather, the specified object instead. Sets the position, rotation, and scale to new values along with the transform parent change as a single atomic operation.
DOMPhysicsSpawnAreaExtended SpawnArea(float radius)
Creates a DOMPhysicsSpawnArea node as a direct child requesting the Spawn operation and given the specified parameters.
DOMPhysicsSpawnAtExtended SpawnAt(float radius, float angle)
Creates a DOMPhysicsSpawnAt node as a direct child requesting the Spawn operation and given the specified parameters.