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Represents a physics command in the DOM that will cause the parent transform to rotate until it "faces" the specified point.

  • Inherits class: DOMPhysicsFace
  • This is a leaf node type. This node type cannot have children.

Remarks [edit]


Point3D Target {get; set;}
Gets or sets the transform's position component
float X {get; set;}
Gets or sets the X part of the transform's position component
float Y {get; set;}
Gets or sets the Y part of the transform's position component
float Z {get; set;}
Gets or sets the Z part of the transform's position component


Constructs a new DOMPhysicsFacePoint node with default settings
DOMPhysicsFacePoint(string title)
Constructs a new DOMPhysicsFacePoint node, setting a title at the same time