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Represents a physics command in the DOM that will cause the parent transform to move, using a navmesh agent, following some other transform in the scene until it either "catches" the other object or that object "escapes".

  • Inherits class: DOMPhysicsPathing
  • This is a leaf node type. This node type cannot have children.

Remarks [edit]


float CatchDistance {get; set;}
The distance at which the target is considered "caught", and the command is complete with success
float EscapeDistance {get; set;}
The distance at which the target is considered "escaped", and the command is complete with failure
long TargetID {get; set;}
The distance at which the pathing creature will begin running (if possible, see MaxPace)


Constructs a new DOMPhysicsPursue node with default settings
DOMPhysicsPursue(string title)
Constructs a new DOMPhysicsPursue node, setting a title at the same time