Remote API

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Revision as of 12:48, 26 May 2017 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the Remote API class)

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Remarks [edit]

IRemoteComponentSystem (Full Article)

Exposes some of the functionality of IComponentSystem to outside applications with appropriate consumer credentials

IRemoteEntitySystem (Full Article)

Exposes some of the functionality of IEntitySystem to outside applications with appropriate consumer credentials

IRemoteFinancialSystem (Full Article)

Exposes some of the functionality of IFinancialSystem to outside applications with appropriate consumer credentials

IRemoteObjectSystem (Full Article)

Exposes some of the functionality of IObjectSystem to outside applications with appropriate consumer credentials. These methods help you work with Object Types and are mainly intended for use with art pipeline tools.

IRemoteResourceSystem (Full Article)

Exposes some of the functionality of IResourceSystem to outside applications with appropriate consumer credentials

IRemoteWorldspaceSystem (Full Article)

Exposes some of the functionality of IWorldspaceSystem to outside applications with appropriate consumer credentials