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Exposes some of the functionality of IComponentSystem to outside applications with appropriate consumer credentials

Remarks [edit]


bool CreateComponent(Guid componentID, Byte[] fileCollection)
Writes the provided file collection to the components folder and triggers a scan for new provisional components which can then be managed from the admin.
bool DisableComponent(Guid componentID)
Disables this component from loading for the next system restart, and stops if from processing messages immediately.
bool EnableComponent(Guid componentID)
Enables a component to load at next system start. If the component is currently marked provisional, this flag will be removed.
ComponentInfo GetComponentInfo(Guid componentID)
Gets information about a single component
ComponentInfo[] GetComponentInfos()
Gets information about all installed components
bool Ping()
Tests if your connection to the API endpoint is working
void SendOnChannel(string channelName, string message, Guid? securableID = NULL)
Sends JSON message on a named component messageing channel
void SystemRestart()
Requests a full system restart.
bool UpdateComponent(Guid componentID, Byte[] fileCollection, int? minorVersion = NULL, int? buildNumber = NULL)
Updates a component's binary files