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The financial system is a primary layer one interface. It provides methods for working with currencies and transactions.

Remarks [edit]


void AcquireCurrency(IConnectionIdentity identity, Guid financialCurrencyID)
Triggers an event which can be responded to by a component to let the customer know they need to purchase more currency and provide a way to do that
void CloseAccount(Guid financialAccountID)
Closes a financial account
Guid CreateAccount(Guid entityID, Guid currencyID)
Creates a new financial account for the specified entity in the specified currency
Guid CreateCurrency(string identifier, string symbol, string code)
Registers a new currency with the system
ITransaction CreateTransaction(Guid sourceEntityID, Guid currencyID)
Begins a new transaction
void DeleteCurrency(Guid currencyID)
Deletes a currency. Use with care.
Guid? FindAccount(Guid entityID, Guid currencyID)
Gets the ID of an existing financial account owned by the specified entity
ITransaction FindTransaction(Guid transactionID)
Finds an existing transaction so it can be cancelled, settled, or examined
Decimal GetBalance(Guid entityID, Guid currencyID)
Gets the current balance of a financial account (this will not include any balance held by pending transactions)
Decimal GetBalance(Guid financialAccountID)
Gets the current balance of a financial account (this will not include any balance held by pending transactions)
ICurrencyInfo GetCurrencyInfo(Guid currencyID)
Gets a structure of information describing a currency
IEnumerable<ICurrencyInfo> GetCurrencyInfos()
Gtes a structure of information describing each available currency in the system
ICurrencyInfo GetDefaultCurrencyInfo()
Gets a structure of information describing the default currency
ITransactionReport GetTransactionHistory(Guid entityID, Guid currencyID, TimeSpan? range = NULL, int page = 0, int pagesize = 20)
Gets a report of transactions involving an entity
void SetDefaultCurrency(Guid currencyID)
Sets the currency that should be used by components when they don't know or care which currency they're working with