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Exposes some of the functionality of IEntitySystem to outside applications with appropriate consumer credentials

Remarks [edit]


bool ChangeAccountPassword(string emailAddress, string bcryptOldPassword, string bcryptNewPassword)
Requests a password change for an account given the old and new passwords
PLEASE NOTE: This method is provided temporarily until Service Provider Local accounts can be implemented and Root treated as an OpenID provider instead.
bool CheckEntityGroup(Guid entityGroupID, Guid entityID)
Check is the specified entity (probably an account or persona) is in the specified entity group.
Guid CompleteRootLogin(string tokenKey, string tokenSecret)
Once a user has returned to your site after having authenticated the token you created in StartRootLogin, call this method to get back the user's account ID
Guid ConsumeWebTransferToken(string token)
Converts a single-use web-transfer token into an AccountID to transfer login identity across system boundaries. The token is destroyed after this method call.
CreateAccountResult CreateAccountWithPassword(string emailAddress, string bcryptPassword, int localeID)
Creates a new account on Root with the specified email address and password. Returns a CreateAccountResult structure.
PLEASE NOTE: This method is provided temporarily until Service Provider Local accounts can be implemented and Root treated as an OpenID provider instead.
void CreateEntityGroup(Guid entityGroupID, string name, EntityGroupType type = EntityGroupType.Account, bool hidden = false)
Creates a new Entity Group. If a group with the specified ID already exists, this method silently succeeds.
AccountInfo GetAccountInfo(Guid accountID)
Gets information about an account
PersonaInfo GetPersonaInfo(Guid personaID)
Gets information about an persona
PersonaInfo[] GetPersonas(Guid accountID)
Gets a list of structures of information about all the personas owned by an account
void JoinEntityGroup(Guid entityGroupID, Guid entityID)
Adds the specified entity (probably an account or persona) to the specified entity group.
void LeaveEntityGroup(Guid entityGroupID, Guid entityID)
Removes the specified entity (probably an account or persona) from the specified entity group.
bool Ping()
Tests if your connection to the API endpoint is working
void ResetHomesite(Guid accountID)
Changes a users home site to your service provider's WorldBaseURI
PLEASE NOTE: This method is provided temporarily until Service Provider Local accounts can be implemented and Root treated as an OpenID provider instead.
void SendAccountPasswordReset(string emailAddress)
Initiates a password reset (forgot password) email for a root account
PLEASE NOTE: This method is provided temporarily until Service Provider Local accounts can be implemented and Root treated as an OpenID provider instead.
LoginInfo StartRootLogin(Uri returnUri)
Initiates a login. Creates a root auth token, and generates a uri you can redirect the user to to authenticate the token. Once the user has logged on, they will be returned to you
Guid? WebLogin(string emailAddress, string bcryptPassword)
Validates the login credentials of a root account, retreiving the AccountID.
PLEASE NOTE: This method is provided temporarily until Service Provider Local accounts can be implemented and Root treated as an OpenID provider instead.