DOM Utility Types

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Revision as of 19:20, 5 February 2019 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the DOM Utility Types class)

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CSSMatcher (Full Article)

Base class for all CSSSelector matcher types. Public to support

CSSPseudoMatcher (Full Article)

A helper class used when testing for custom css pseudo class matches (:className). An application can set the GlobalTester property to provide a delegate that can test if a DOMObject matches a given pseudo class.

CSSSelector (Full Article)

Manages a CSS Selector that can be used to search for matching nodes in a DOM tree, or to test a single node for a match.

DOMAvatar (Full Article)

Represents an avatar body in a container

DOMLock (Full Article)

Manages a lock on a DOM tree. You take a read lock along with others when you want to work with the DOM but ar ok with other users reading / writing themselves. You take a write lock when you need exclusive access to the DOM. This is meant only for serialization when a DOM snapshot must be consistent and come between updates. The lock you hold is actually on the entire DOM root document, as well as a standard monitor lock on the "LockObject".

DOMPropertyItem (Full Article)

Represents a single property of a DOM Object. Properties can be accessed directly through a DOM Object's Properties collection (see DOMPropertyCollection) or indirectly through formal C# properties on the parent DOM Object (for example the Color property of a DOMLight object indirectly gets or sets a DOMPropertyItem with the name "Color" in the DOMLight's DOMPropertyCollection).

DOMSelectorView (Full Article)

A view that "watches" a DOM tree for nodes matching a CSS Selector. The view maintains a list of matching nodes. The view has several Modes, suitable for different performance requirements.

DOMVirtualHookpoint`1 (Full Article)

Helps manage a single child of a container much like a hookpoint but without DOM visibility