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Manages a CSS Selector that can be used to search for matching nodes in a DOM tree, or to test a single node for a match.

Remarks [edit]


CSSSelector Child {get; set;}
When a selector string has multiple parts separated by a space (decendant selector) or a > symbol (direct descendant, or child selector) they are parsed into separate CSSSelector instances linked through this and the Parent property.
bool DirectParent {get; set;}
True if this selector's Parent selector must match the tested node's direct parent (true) or any parent (false)
CSSSelector Parent {get; set;}
When a selector string has multiple parts separated by a space (decendant selector) or a > symbol (direct descendant, or child selector) they are parsed into separate CSSSelector instances linked through this and the Child property.


bool IsMatch(DOMObject obj)
Tests a single object for a match (no recursion)
CSSSelector Parse(string text)
Parses a CSS-Like selector string and constructs a new CSSSeelctor instance representing it. Parsing is the expensive operation. The returned instance can then be used very efficiently, many times, to do tests and tree searches.
DOMObject SelectFirst(DOMObject root)
Returns the first matching object from the specified DOM tree
IEnumerable<DOMObject> SelectFrom(DOMObject root)
Returns an enumerable of matching objects from the specified DOM tree