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Creates a light in the scene

  • Inherits class: DOMTransform
  • This is a leaf node type. This node type cannot have children.

Remarks [edit]


bool AffectMaterialColor {get; set;}
True if this light should affect the color of materials it illuminates (immissive materials?)
bool AffectMaterialIntensity {get; set;}
True if this light should affect the intensity of materials it illuminates (immissive materials?)
float BounceIntensity {get; set;}
A bounce intensity modifier
Color32 Color {get; set;}
The light's color
DOMLightEffect Effect {get; set;}
Specifies a client-side optimized effect to run on the light as a DOMLightEffect enumeration.
float EffectIntensity {get; set;}
If an effect is active on this light, the intensity of the effect.
float EffectPhaseShift {get; set;}
If an effect is active on this light, the phase shift.
float EffectSpeed {get; set;}
If an effect is active on this light, the speed at which it runs.
float Intensity {get; set;}
The light's intensity
DOMLightType LightType {get; set;}
The type of light created by this node as a DOMLightType enumeration
float Range {get; set;}
The maximum range of this light
string ResourceName {get; set;}
The name of the resource withing the ResourceUri assetbundle that represents a light "cookie"
ResourceValue ResourceUri {get; set;}
The resource for a light "cookie"
float ShadowStrength {get; set;}
The strength of the shadows cast by this light (if any)
DOMLightShadows ShadowType {get; set;}
The type of shadows cast by this light as a DOMLightShadows enumeration
bool SoftenEffect {get; set;}
If an effect is active on this light, request that it be "softened".
float SpotAngle {get; set;}
The angle of the light's cone if it's a spot light


Constructs a new DOMLight with default settings
DOMLight(string title)
Constructs a new DOMLight, setting a title and adding children at the same time