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Helps manage a single child of a container much like a hookpoint but without DOM visibility

Remarks [edit]


T Body {get; set;}
The managed child of the hookpoint (if any). If this node disposes this property will become null and the BodyChanged event will fire
DOMObject Container {get;}
The location of the virtual hookpoint. This is the DOMObject under which the managed object will appear. If this object disposes, the virtual hookpoint will dispose as well.
bool Empty {get;}
True if Body is null


Fires when the body of the hookpoint changes
Fires when the body of the hookpoint is about to change. Gives you an opportunity to copy properties to the new body before it's placed in the DOM


DOMVirtualHookpoint`1(DOMObject container)
Constructs a new DOMVirtualHookpoint
DOMVirtualHookpoint`1(DOMObject container, T body)


void SetBody(T body)