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Represents a DOMPhysicsSpawn in JavaScript

Remarks [edit]


float Radius {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMPhysicsSpawn
The radius within which the parent transform will be spawned
bool RestrictX {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMPhysicsSpawn
Prevents the spawned object from varying along the X-axis
bool RestrictY {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMPhysicsSpawn
Prevents the spawned object from varying along the Y-axis
bool RestrictZ {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMPhysicsSpawn
Prevents the spawned object from varying along the Z-axis
DOMPhysicsSpawnRotate Rotate {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMPhysicsSpawn
Specifies the how the subject of the spawn operation should have its rotation updated.
bool Stack {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMPhysicsSpawn
True if the object should be able to stack on top of existing objects or look for its own clear space on the ground (scene geo)
long TargetID {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMPhysicsSpawn
The distance at which the pathing creature will begin running (if possible, see MaxPace)