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Represents a physics command in the DOM that will cause the parent transform be placed, on the ground, near it's current position or that of a target, and enabled.

  • Inherits class: DOMPhysicsOperation
  • This is a leaf node type. This node type cannot have children.

Remarks [edit]


float Radius {get; set;}
The radius within which the parent transform will be spawned
bool RestrictX {get; set;}
Prevents the spawned object from varying along the X-axis
bool RestrictY {get; set;}
Prevents the spawned object from varying along the Y-axis
bool RestrictZ {get; set;}
Prevents the spawned object from varying along the Z-axis
DOMPhysicsSpawnRotate Rotate {get; set;}
Specifies the how the subject of the spawn operation should have its rotation updated.
bool Stack {get; set;}
True if the object should be able to stack on top of existing objects or look for its own clear space on the ground (scene geo)
long TargetID {get; set;}
The distance at which the pathing creature will begin running (if possible, see MaxPace)