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A hookpoint that can only contain DOMMaterial or DOMMaterialReference children

Remarks [edit]


string[] CompatibleShaders {get; set;}
Specifies a list of compatible shader names
int Index {get; set;}
The material index to map this material to
string SubMesh {get; set;}
Specifies a named sub-mesh to apply this material to


Constructs a new DOMMaterialHookPoint with default settings
DOMMaterialHookPoint(string title)
Constructs a new DOMMaterialHookPoint, setting a title at the same time
DOMMaterialHookPoint(string title, DOMObject child)
Constructs a new DOMMaterialHookPoint, adding the only child at the same time


bool CheckChild(DOMObject value)
Called on DOMObject derived types just before a child is added to their Children collection to ensure they are acceptable
bool CheckParent(DOMObject parent)
Called on DOMObject derived types just before they are added to the DOM to ensure their parent is appropriate.