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Provides extra information about properties of DOMClassAttribute and DOMPropertyAttribute properties. So basically it's a DOM Object Property - DOM Attribute Attribute - Property - Attribute

Remarks [edit]


bool CustomPropertyOnly {get; set;}
Holy crap I have no idea.
object DefaultValue {get; set;}
The default value of the attribute that the [DOMAttribute]] introduced by the attributed property of the DOMClassAttribute or DOMPropertyAttribute should have
int Order {get;}
The default order in which the DOMAttribute introduced by the attributed property of the DOMClassAttribute or DOMPropertyAttribute should appear in DOM Viewers displaying DOM Attributes.
bool PlaceHolderOnly {get; set;}
True if the DOMAttribute should be a placeholder only (to advertise a possibly useful atribute)
bool ReadOnly {get; set;}
True if the created DOMAttribute should be read only
Type[] TargetTypes {get;}
Specifies the Types of properties that the [DOMAttribute]] introduced by the attributed property of the DOMClassAttribute or DOMPropertyAttribute should be applied to


DOMAttributeValueAttribute(Type[] targetTypes)
Constructs a new DOMAttributeValueAttribute
DOMAttributeValueAttribute(int order, Type[] targetTypes)
Constructs a new DOMAttributeValueAttribute