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Marks a DOM object class (type) with a built-in DOM Attribute which will automatically be visible on any instance of any node of the attributed type.

Remarks [edit]


bool ClientVisible {get; set;}
Specifies if nodes of the attributed type should visible to client UI scripts.
bool ClientWritable {get; set;}
Specifies if nodes of the attributed type should writable by client UI scripts.
bool Collapsable {get; set;}
Specifies this this DOM node will be displayed in collapsed edit mode
DOMEditable Editable {get; set;}
Defines the situations under which this nodes of the attributed type should be user-editable.
bool ServerVisible {get; set;}
Specifies if nodes of the attributed type should visible to server scripts.
bool ServerWritable {get; set;}
Specifies if nodes of the attributed type should writable by server scripts.

