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Revision as of 20:56, 27 November 2017 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the EngagementControlExtended class)

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Represents an multiplayer engagement

  • This is a JavaScript visible object

Remarks [edit]


bool IsValid {get;}
Ask dirk. Looks like it is.
int NumParticipants {get;}
Returns the number of participants in the engagement... except it doesn't. What is this?
string StartingState {get;}
The State the Engagement started in
string State {get;}
Current State of the Engagement


AbilityFired(ParticipantExtended who, string identifier)
who : The participant who fires the ability
identifier : The identifier of the ability being fired
Fired when a participant in an engagement uses one of their abilities
AnimationLooped(string name, string layer, bool looping)
name : The name of the animation playing
layer : The layer on which the animation is playing
looping : True if the animation will loop
Fired when an animation loops on this engagement
AnimationStarted(string name, string layer, bool looping)
name : The name of the animation playing
layer : The layer on which the animation is playing
looping : True if the animation will loop
Fired when an animation begins playing on this engagement
AnimationStopped(string name, string layer, bool looping)
name : The name of the animation stopping
layer : The layer on which the animation was playing
looping : True if the animation was looping
Fired when an animation stops playing on this engagement
PlayerAdded(long who)
who : The ID of the controller of the player being added
Fired when a new player is added to an engagement. ‘who’ is the ID of the controller of the new player, which may be a participant or a bot.
PlayerRemoved(long who)
who : The ID of the controller of the player being removed
Fired when a new player is added to an engagement. ‘who’ is the ID of the controller of the new player, which may be a participant or a bot.
StateChanged(string identifier)
identifier : The identifier of the new state
Fired when the state of the angagement changes, and passes in the new state identifier


bool AddPlayer(DOMObjectExtended player)
Adds a player represented by the DOMObject to this engagement.
void Close()
Disposes this engagement control.
bool IsPlayerEngaged(DOMObjectExtended player)
Tests if the player represented by the DOMObject is in this engagement.
bool RemovePlayer(DOMObjectExtended player, bool restoreAnimator = true)
Removes a player represented by the DOMObject from this engagement.
void SetOptions(JSVector3 position, JSVector3 rotation)
Ask dirk. Looks like it sets the offset and rotation of the players from center of the target object of the engagement.
bool TransitionToState(string stateName)
Transitions the engagement control into the requested state
bool TriggerSkill(string skillname)
Simulates the playing of the specified skill