Difference between revisions of "DOMMaterialStandard"

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(Documentation for the DOMMaterialStandard class)
(Documentation for the DOMMaterialStandard class)
Line 82: Line 82:
::Constructs a new DOMMaterialStandard with default settings
:{{CSharp|DOMMaterialStandard(string title)}}
::Constructs a new DOMMaterialStandard, setting a title and adding children at the same time

Revision as of 12:38, 6 September 2017

Represents a material based on the Unity Standard Shader

  • Inherits class: DOMMaterial
  • This is a leaf node type. This node type cannot have children.

Remarks [edit]


ResourceValue BumpMap {get; set;}
A JPG or PNG resource that makes up the Normal (bump) Map
float BumpScale {get; set;}
The normal map scale
Color32 Color {get; set;}
The main color of the material
float Cutoff {get; set;}
The albedo alpha cutoff of the material
ResourceValue DetailAlbedoMap {get; set;}
A JPG or PNG resource that makes up the Aetail Albedo Map
ResourceValue DetailMask {get; set;}
A JPG or PNG resource that makes up the Detail Mask
ResourceValue DetailNormalMap {get; set;}
A JPG or PNG resource that makes up the Detail Normal Map
float DetailNormalMapScale {get; set;}
The detail normal map scale of the material
Color32 EmissionColor {get; set;}
The emission color of the material
ResourceValue EmissionMap {get; set;}
A JPG or PNG resource that makes up the Emission Map
float EmissionStrength {get; set;}
The emission strength of the material
float Glossiness {get; set;}
The glossiness (shininess) of the material
ResourceValue MainTex {get; set;}
A JPG or PNG resource representing the Main Texture of this material
ResourceValue OcclusionMap {get; set;}
A JPG or PNG resource that makes up the Occlusion Map
float OcclusionStrength {get; set;}
The occlusion strength of the material
float Parallax {get; set;}
The strength of the Hight (parallax) Map
ResourceValue ParallaxMap {get; set;}
A JPG or PNG resource that makes up the Hight (parallax) Map
RenderMode RenderingMode {get; set;}
string Shader {get; set;}
MaterialUVSec UVSec {get; set;}


Constructs a new DOMMaterialStandard with default settings
DOMMaterialStandard(string title)
Constructs a new DOMMaterialStandard, setting a title and adding children at the same time