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Represents a Layer One UI script handle.

Remarks [edit]


Guid? ChannelID {get;}
Gets the javascript channel identifier for callbacks
IConnectionIdentity Identity {get;}
Gets the connection identity
bool IsReleased {get;}
Returns true if handle has been released
object Item {get; set;}
Guid? ScopeID {get;}
Gets the javascript scope identifier
Guid UniqueID {get;}
Gets the javascript instance identifier


Raises an event when the handle gets released


void Release()
Releases the script handle and all underlying resources
bool SendErrorMessage(string format, object[] args)
Sends a default error message => { command = "Error", message = "message" }
bool SendMessage(JavaScriptMessage message)
Sends JavaScriptMessage to the client-side UI script of a connected client
bool SendMessage(string command)
Constructs a JavaScriptMessage and sends it to the client-side UI script of a connected client
bool SendMessage(string command, Dictionary<string, object> args)
Constructs a JavaScriptMessage and sends it to the client-side UI script of a connected client
bool SendMessage(string command, object args)
Constructs a JavaScriptMessage and sends it to the client-side UI script of a connected client
bool SendTranslatedErrorMessage(AutoString message, object[] args)
Sends an error message, but first translating the message to the connection's culture. The translation can include replacements