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An interface to the system-specific implementation of the Layer One Managers. Each system (Admin Web, Service Provider, Instance Host, Web View) provides its own implementation of the Layer One API which build on a set of base classes shared by all systems and which implemnt the Layer One API interfaces. Instances of these implmentations are created via a local implementation of the ManagerFactory class which is passed to the static LayerOne helper instance on startuup. In practise, components access Layer One through the LayerOne helper class

Remarks [edit]


IChatSystem ChatSystem {get;}
Methods for managing chat channels, and sending chat messages.
IComponentSystem ComponentSystem {get;}
Methods for managing the component's lifetime, communicating with other components, communicating with root, and using the server transfer package system.
IEntitySystem EntitySystem {get;}
Methods for creating, managing and getting information about all kinds of Entities
IFinancialSystem FinancialSystem {get;}
Methods for working with currencies and transactions.
IInventorySystem InventorySystem {get;}
Methods for working with runtime inventory.
IObjectSystem ObjectSystem {get;}
Methods for working with Object Types, Object Templates and the Container System.
IPermissionSystem PermissionSystem {get;}
Methods for working with System Permssions.
IResourceSystem ResourceSystem {get;}
Methods for managing resources and their metadata
ISettingsSystem SettingsSystem {get;}
Methods for getting and setting component settings
ITranslationSystem TranslationSystem {get;}
Methods for managing translation group subscriptions and local translation groups.
IUIScriptSystem UIScriptSystem {get;}
Methods for working with UI scripts, sending them to clients, finding their instances, and releasing them.
IViewSystem ViewSystem {get;}
Methods for working with DOM Views (server hosted DOM documents)
IWorldspaceSystem WorldspaceSystem {get;}
Methods for working with Worldspace, Layouts and EditLayouts, and area groups


ILinkedServer Linked(Guid linkedServerID)
Provides access to remote (linked) servers