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This interface describes a Layer Two extensibility point. Components can implement this interface and an instance of the implementing class will be created by MEF on startup. Instance runtime events fire to inform the component of various events in a running instance, including instance lifetime events

See also: InstanceRuntimeEventsHandler

Remarks [edit]


void AreaPermissionsChanged(IConnectionIdentity identity)
Fires when the permissions abailable to a participant have changed.
void BindJavaScriptGlobals()
void Breakout(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void Clicked(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void Deselected(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void EditSessionStarted(IConnectionIdentity identity)
Fires when a connection begins a layer editing session
void EditSessionStopped(IConnectionIdentity identity)
Fires when a connection ends a layer editing session
void Grabbed(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void InstanceCreated(IInstanceContext context)
void InstanceJoin(IConnectionIdentity identity, IInstanceContext context)
Fires just before the participant object is constructed. This is the first event associating a connection to an instance
void InstanceJoined(IConnectionIdentity identity, IInstanceContext context)
Fires after the instance member (participant) object is created and the connection is completely added to the instance. This event fires for both participants and observer mode members.
void InstanceLeft(IConnectionIdentity identity, IInstanceContext instance)
Fires after the instance member (participant) object is destroyed and the connection is completely removed from the instance.
void InstanceShutdown(IInstanceContext context)
void LeftMouseDown(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void LeftMouseUp(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void NeighborUpdate(IInstanceContext context, INeighborInfo info, bool deleted)
void ParticipantEnter(IParticipant participant)
Fires after the avatar is created, but before it is placed in the instance DOM. This event will NOT fire for instance members in Observer mode because they don't have a participant. Use InstanceJoined instead.
void ParticipantEntered(IParticipant participant)
Fires as the last step of adding the participant to the instance. Chat channels are joined, avatar is in the room, etc. The client may still be loading the scene however. This event will NOT fire for instance members in Observer mode because they don't have a participant. Use InstanceJoined instead.
void ParticipantLeaving(IParticipant participant)
Fires just before we remove the participant from the room. This event will NOT fire for instance members in Observer mode because they don't have a participant. Use InstanceLeft instead.
void ParticipantSceneReady(IParticipant participant)
Fires when the client lets us know it has dropped the loading screen. This event will NOT fire for instance members in Observer mode because they don't have a participant.
void RightClicked(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void RightMouseDown(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void RightMouseUp(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void Selected(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void TargetChanged(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject newTarget, DOMObject oldTarget)
void Ungrabbed(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void VolumeEntered(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void VolumeLeft(IConnectionIdentity identity, DOMObject source)
void VolumeObjectEntered(DOMObject triggering, DOMObject source)
void VolumeObjectLeft(DOMObject triggering, DOMObject source)