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The chat system is a primary layer one interface. It provides methods for managing chat channels, and sending chat messages.

Remarks [edit]


void BroadcastToChannel(Guid channelID, AutoString message, ColorLevelPreSets colorLevel, IConnectionIdentity sender = NULL)
Broadcasts a message to a channel
void BroadcastToWorldSpace(Guid worldSpaceID, Guid? entityID, string message, ColorLevelPreSets colorLevel)
Broadcasts a message to all channels associated with a given worlspace scope
Guid? CreateChannel(Guid securableID, string displayName, string motd = NULL)
Creates a channel for a given securable,
users will be managed by layer one to add and remove user when they enter or leave the securable
Guid? CreateChannel(string channelName, string displayName, string password, string motd = NULL)
Creates a named group channel
Guid CreateLocalChannel(IInstanceContext context, string displayName, string motd = NULL)
Creates a local instance channel
Guid? CreatePrivateChannel(Guid entityA, Guid entityB)
Creates a private channel for two entities both entities have to be online and can do an keyexchange
bool DeleteChannel(Guid channelID)
Deletes a channel, sending participants proper notifications
void ForgeToChannel(Guid channelID, AutoString message, ColorLevelPreSets colorLevel, string senderName)
Sends a message to a channel making it look like it came from the specified sender
bool JoinChannel(Guid channelID, Guid personaID)
An entity is joining the given channel
bool LeaveChannel(Guid channelID, Guid personaID)
An entity is leaving the given channel
void SetChannelDisplayName(Guid channelID, string displayName)
Updates the display name of a channel after creation
void SetChannelMOTD(Guid channelID, string motd = NULL, bool broadcast = false)
Updates the Message Of The Day (MOTD) of a channel after creation