DOM Global

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The DOM JavaScript global object is available from server world scripts and is the main entry point to the Document Object Model

  • This is a JavaScript global object named DOM

Remarks [edit]


DOMControllerExtended Controller {get;}
Gets a reference to the DOMController node which represents the avatar in the persona document in which the calling script is running. If the calling script is running in a scene document, this property will be null.
DOMObjectExtended Document {get;}
Gets a reference to the DOMDocument under which this script is running. Same as DOM.Self.Document
DOMObjectExtended Self {get;}
Gets a reference to the DOMScript node which loaded the calling script.


void Dissociate(DOMObjectExtended obj)
Dissociate the specified object from your script so it won't be cleaned up when your script shuts down or is restarted.
DOMObjectExtended FindNode(int objID)
Attempts to find a DOMObject by its ID in the same document in which the calling script is running.
DOMObjectExtended FindNodeInParticipants(int objID)
Attempts to find a DOMObject by its ID in the entire participants container document (All persona documents).
DOMObjectExtended GetNodeByID(int id)
An alias for FindNode
IEnumerable<DOMObjectExtended> GetNodesByName(string name)
Finds DOMObjects with the given name inside the document in which the calling script is running.