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Represents a body of water

Remarks [edit]


string AttachToBone {get; set;}
float Cutoff {get; set;}
The alpha cutoff of the water texture
Color32 DeepWaterColor {get; set;}
Deep water color
float Density {get; set;}
Water density
float DepthTransparency {get; set;}
How far can you see underwater
float DistanceTilingFade {get; set;}
Rate at which tiling texture fades out
float Distortion {get; set;}
Distortion factor of the water
bool EnableReflections {get; set;}
Toggle to enable/disable reflections on water
bool ExcludeTransform {get; set;}
float Fade {get; set;}
float FoamBlend {get; set;}
Blending factor on foam
Color32 FoamColor {get; set;}
Blending factor on foam
float FoamContrast {get; set;}
Contrast factor on foam
float FoamDistFade {get; set;}
Distance at which foam fades out
float FoamDistFalloff {get; set;}
Distance at which foam falls off
float FoamIntensity {get; set;}
Intensity of the foam
float FoamSpeed {get; set;}
Speed of the foam animation
ResourceValue FoamTexture {get; set;}
Texture to use for the foam
float FoamTiling {get; set;}
Tiling factor of the foam
float FoamVisibility {get; set;}
Alpha of the foam
Color32 FogColor {get; set;}
Blending factor on foam
float FogDistance {get; set;}
Fog distance of the scene where colors fade out
float FogFade {get; set;}
Fog fade rate
float Gloss {get; set;}
Gloss of the water
float LargeWaveRefraction {get; set;}
Refraction index for Large Waves
float LargeWavesSpeed {get; set;}
Speed for Large Waves
ResourceValue LargeWavesTexture {get; set;}
Texture for Large Waves
float LargeWavesTiling {get; set;}
Tiling factor for Large Waves
float LightWrapping {get; set;}
Light wrapping
float LongTilingDistance {get; set;}
Long distance for tiling
Color32 MainColor {get; set;}
Main water color
float MediumTilingDistance {get; set;}
Medium distance for tiling
float MediumWaveRefraction {get; set;}
Refraction index for Medium Waves
float MediumWavesSpeed {get; set;}
Speed for Medium Waves
ResourceValue MediumWavesTexture {get; set;}
Texture for Medium Waves
float MediumWavesTiling {get; set;}
Tiling factor for Medium Waves
float ReflectionIntensity {get; set;}
Reflection Intensity
float ShoreFade {get; set;}
Shore Fade
float ShoreTransparency {get; set;}
Shore Transparency
float SmallWaveRefraction {get; set;}
Refraction index for Small Waves
float SmallWavesSpeed {get; set;}
Speed for Small Waves
ResourceValue SmallWavesTexture {get; set;}
Texture for Small Waves
float SmallWavesTiling {get; set;}
Tiling factor for Small Waves
float Specular {get; set;}
float SX {get; set;}
float SY {get; set;}
float SZ {get; set;}
long TransformParentID {get; set;}
bool UsePlane {get; set;}
Toggle to enable/disable reflections on water
Point3D Velocity {get; set;}
float WaveBlend {get; set;}
Wave Blend
float WaveFade {get; set;}
Wave Fade


Constructs a new DOMWater with default settings
DOMWater(DOMObject[] children)
Constructs a new DOMWater, adding children at the same time
DOMWater(string title, DOMObject[] children)
Constructs a new DOMWater, setting a title and adding children at the same time