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Represents a material that is created real-time from a video stream

Remarks [edit]


float AudioMaxDistance {get; set;}
Maximum audio range when using 3D Audio
float AudioMinDistance {get; set;}
Minimum audio range when using 3D audio.
bool AutoPlay {get; set;}
Should the video play automatically?
bool Looping {get; set;}
Should the video loop on completion?
string PlayerType {get; set;}
valid player types: UMP, AVPro, Native
DateTime StartedAt {get; set;}
The time the video started playing. Helpful for syncing playback for clients entering the instance after the node was created.
string URL {get; set;}
The full URL path of the video.
bool Use3DLight {get; set;}
Create a light source that samples the screen's color for in-world lighting.
bool Use3DSound {get; set;}
Audio should use in-world directional audio.


Constructs a new DOMVideoMaterial with default settings
DOMVideoMaterial(string title)
Constructs a new DOMVideoMaterial, setting a title and adding children at the same time