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Represents a server script that is loaded into the view's JavaScript insolate and which can interact with the DOM, communicate with connected clients, and leverage server component functionality.

See also: Server Scripting

Remarks [edit]


bool DesignModeEnabled {get; set;}
True if the script should run in design (scene edit) mode
Guid[] Libraries {get; set;}
A list of singleton object types that should be automatically included in the scene by the server.
bool Runnable {get;}
True if this script can be started
bool Running {get; set;}
True if the script is currently running
ResourceValue ScriptUri {get; set;}
A resource for a Javascript file (.js) or Script bundle
Guid[] SharedObjectTypes {get; set;}
A list of singleton object types that should be automatically included in the scene by the server.


Constructs a new DOMScript with default settings
DOMScript(DOMObject[] children)
Constructs a new DOMScript, adding children at the same time
DOMScript(string title, DOMObject[] children)
Constructs a new DOMScript, setting a title and adding children at the same time