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Represents the property collection on a DOMObject

  • This is a JavaScript visible object

Remarks [edit]


bool AddWatcher(string propertyName, JSFlexibleFunction func)
Begins watching for changes to a property, specifying a callback to be invoked when the property changes.
bool Copy(string propertyName, DOMObjectExtended target)
Copies the specified property from this object to the target
ReturnType GetAttributeValue(string propertyName, string attributeName)
Gets the value of an attribute placed on the specified property. Attributes are like special properties placed on the DOM nodes and properties when they appear in an ObjectType definition. An ObjectType is a container for a small snippet of DOM which can be re-used at runtime to create instances of that same layout and inject it into a running document. Attributes placed on these object or properties can later be accessed on any instance of these objects or properties. Think of these like metadata “about” an object or property, rather than data describing the object instance itself.
bool? GetBoolean(string propertyName)
Gets the value of the specified property as an bool
Color32? GetColor(string propertyName)
Gets the value of the specified property as a Color32
Guid? GetGuid(string propertyName)
Gets the value of the specified property as a Guid
int? GetInt32(string propertyName)
Gets the value of the specified property as an int
long? GetInt64(string propertyName)
Gets the value of the specified property as a long
Point3D GetPoint3D(string propertyName)
Gets the value of the specified property as an Point3D
ReturnType GetProperty(string propertyName)
Gets the value of the specified property as an object
ResourceValue GetResourceValue(string propertyName)
Gets the value of the specified property as a ResourceValue
float? GetSingle(string propertyName)
Gets the value of the specified property as an single
string GetString(string propertyName)
Gets the value of the specified property as a string
bool HasAttribute(string propertyName, string attributeName)
Checks if the specified property has the specified attribute defined.
bool RemoveProperty(string propertyName)
Removes the specified property.
void RemoveWatcher(string propertyName)
Stops watching for changes to the specified property.
bool SetBoolean(string propertyName, bool value, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a bool value
bool SetColor(string propertyName, Color32 value, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a Color32 value
bool SetDouble(string propertyName, double value, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a double value
bool SetGuid(string propertyName, Guid value, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a guid value
bool SetInt32(string propertyName, int value, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to an int value
bool SetInt32Array(string propertyName, string jsonValue, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a int array value
bool SetInt64(string propertyName, long value, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a long value
bool SetPoint3D(string propertyName, JSVector3 value, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a Point3D value
bool SetResourceValue(string propertyName, ResourceValue value, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a ResourceValue
bool SetSingle(string propertyName, float value, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a single value
bool SetString(string propertyName, string value, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a string value
bool SetStringArray(string propertyName, string jsonValue, bool silent = false, bool temporary = false)
Sets the specified property to a string array value
IEnumerable<string> WithAttribute(string attributeName)
Gets the name of all properties with the given attribute defined.