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The base class for all DOM node types that have a 3D body, like a DOMVolume or a DOMRenderable

Remarks [edit]


bool Clickable {get; set;}
Marks this object as clickable, mainly used node types derived from DOMRenderable or DOMVolume
ResourceValue Cursor {get; set;}
The ResourceValue for the hover-over mouse cursor to use
float CursorDistance {get; set;}
The distance in units before which the object can be hovered over with the mouse causing cursor change and/or tooltip activation (if configured)
bool CursorMiddleHotspot {get; set;}
True if the center of the cursor image should be used as the hotspot... oh dear why is this not an Point2D offset...
bool Grabbable {get; set;}
Marks this object as grabbable, mainly used on node types derived from DOMRenderable
float InteractionDistance {get; set;}
The distance in units at which this object can be interacted with (Interactions fired, clicked, selected, etc)
bool Selectable {get; set;}
Marks this object as Selectable, mainly used node types derived from DOMRenderable or DOMVolume
bool Targetable {get; set;}
Marks this object as targetable, mainly used node types derived from DOMRenderable or DOMVolume
string Tooltip {get; set;}
The text for a hover-over tool-tip
ResourceValue TooltipIcon {get; set;}
The ResourceValue for a hover-over tool-tip's icon
string TooltipTitle {get; set;}
The text for a hover-over tool-tip's title