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Unused. Meant to display an "effect". Use DOMRenderable instead.

Remarks [edit]


float DistancePower {get; set;}
An exponent to use for scaling the effect based on camera distance
float DistanceScale {get; set;}
A multiplier to use for scaling the effect based on camera distance
float DistanceScaleMax {get; set;}
A maximum scale for the effect so that it doesn't grow infinitely (0 for uncapped)
bool Play {get; set;}
Whether the DOMEffect node should be playing
string ResourceName {get; set;}
The name of the object in the assetbundle referenced by the ResourceUri property
ResourceValue ResourceUri {get; set;}
The resource of the Unity AssetBundle containing the effect


Constructs a new DOMEffect with default settings
DOMEffect(DOMObject[] children)
Constructs a new DOMEffect, adding children at the same time
DOMEffect(string title, DOMObject[] children)
Constructs a new DOMEffect, setting a title and adding children at the same time