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Sets the behavior of the attributed property during a Diff / Merge / Compare operation.

Remarks [edit]


bool IgnoreMerge {get; set;}
Ignored this property when merging one DOM tree into another.
bool IgnoreMergeRootOnly {get; set;}
Same as IgnoreMerge, but only applies if this node is the root node being merged
bool IgnorePublish {get; set;}
Ignores this property when merging edit layer contents to the live layer while saving changes to a layer edit session.
bool IgnorePublishRootOnly {get; set;}
Same as IgnorePublish, but only applies if this node is the root node being merged
bool IgnoreTracking {get; set;}
Prevents changes to this property from being tracked on an Object Type Reference
bool IgnoreTrackingRootOnly {get; set;}
Same as IgnoreTracking, but only applies if this node is the root node being tracked.

