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Represents a DOMCurvePlayer in JavaScript

Remarks [edit]


int FpsLimit {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMCurvePlayer
Sets the target number of updates per second that the curve player should try to acheive. The default is 60FPS. Setting this to 0 will remove FpsLimiting, and update every frame. This update rate is not guarenteed, since it also depends on how often the DOM host calls Document.RunCurvePlayers().
long JumpKeyframeID {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMCurvePlayer
The ID of the keyframe objet the curve player should snap to on it's next update (If Operation == JumpToKeyframe)
bool Loop {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMCurvePlayer
Whether or not the curve player loops back around to the first keyframe after crossing the last one
DOMCurveOperation Operation {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMCurvePlayer
Which operation the curve player is currently executing
bool Reverse {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMCurvePlayer
True if the curve player is playing in reverse
string Selector {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMCurvePlayer
The CSS-style selector used to identify the nodes which should be affected by the curve player
DOMSelectorViewMode SelectorViewMode {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMCurvePlayer
The CSS-style selector used to identify the nodes which should be affected by the curve player
int StepCount {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMCurvePlayer
The number of keyframe steps the curve player should run for before stopping (If Operation == Step)
float Time {get; set;} // Via attribution on DOMCurvePlayer
Returns the curve player's current time index in seconds


OnKeyframeCrossed(DOMCurveKeyframeExtended keyframe)
keyframe : The keyframe crossed by this player
Fires when this keyframe is crossed by a player


void JumpToKeyframe(DOMCurveKeyframeExtended keyframe)
Sets the time index of the player to that of the specified keyframe, fires the crossed events for the keyframe and player, and stops.
void Reset()
Stops the player from running and resets it to time index 0.0 by setting the Operation property to "Reset"
void Run()
Starts the player running by setting the Operation property to "Run"
void Step(int count = 1)
Increments the step count by count and sets the Operation property to "Step". The player will run until it consumes count' steps
void Stop()
Stops the player from running by setting the Operation property to "Stop"