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Represents an audio clip or stream playing in a scene. This node forms part of the VWW DOM Rich Media Support.

  • Inherits class: DOMTransform
  • This is a leaf node type. This node type cannot have children.

Remarks [edit]


DOMAudioChannel AudioChannel {get; set;}
Selects the audio channel on which this clip should play
See also: DOMAudioChannel
ResourceValue Clip {get; set;}
The resource of the audio clip.
float DopplerLevel {get; set;}
Determines how much doppler effect will be applied to this audio source (if is set to 0, then no effect is applied).
bool Loop {get; set;}
Enable this to make the Audio Clip loop when it reaches the end.
float MaxDistance {get; set;}
The distance where the sound stops attenuating at. Beyond this point it will stay at the volume it would be at MaxDistance units from the listener and will not attenuate any more.
float MinDistance {get; set;}
Within the MinDistance, the sound will stay at loudest possible. Outside MinDistance it will begin to attenuate. Increase the MinDistance of a sound to make it ‘louder’ in a 3d world, and decrease it to make it ‘quieter’ in a 3d world.
float Pitch {get; set;}
Applies a pitch shift effect to this clip.
bool Playing {get; set;}
True if the clip is should play.
bool Station {get; set;}
If true, this audio node plays a stream through FMOD native streaming engine, otherwise the Unity audio system is used.
bool Streaming {get; set;}
True if Clip represnets the URL of an internet audio stream to play, rather than a static audio clip
bool ThreeD {get; set;}
True if the volume of the audio clip should be attenuated by the distance of the listener.
float Volume {get; set;}
The relative volume of this clip as a percentage (between 0 and 1). The actual volume of the clip will be further affected by any 3D attenuation (if enabled), the volume of the channel on which this clip is playing, the volume of the client application in the host operating system, the master volume of the host operating system, and the volume of the user's speakers in the real world.


Constructs a new DOMAudio with default settings
DOMAudio(string title)
Constructs a new DOMAudio, setting a title and adding children at the same time