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Represents an animation controller that can affect one or more skeletons defined by DOMControllers. A DOMAnimationController node can be placed in the DOM as a direct child of a DOMController in which case it automatically affects that animatable skeleton, or it can be placed somewhere else in the scene and referenced by setting the DOMController's AnimationControllerID property to the ID of this node. This allows multiple characters or objects to be animated by the same animation controller.

Remarks [edit]


bool AllowJump {get; set;}
True if this animation controller allows for jumping (used in conjunction with HasLocomotion)
bool AnimatorApplyRootMotion {get; set;}
True if the animations in this animation controller are intended to apply root motion
bool HasLocomotion {get; set;}
True if this animation controller has locomotion animations in it
DOMPhysicsPace MaxPace {get; set;}
The fastest locomotion state (walking, jogging, running, super-running) this animation controller has
string ResourceName {get; set;}
The name of the animation controller prefab in the Unity asset bundle
ResourceValue ResourceUri {get; set;}
The ResourceValue of the Unity animation controller asset bundle


Constructs a new DOMAnimationController with default settings
DOMAnimationController(DOMObject[] children)
Constructs a new DOMAnimationController, adding children at the same time
DOMAnimationController(string title, DOMObject[] children)
Constructs a new DOMAnimationController, setting a title and adding children at the same time