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Represents a playing animation. Must be the child of a DOMRenderable or a DOMAnimationLayer

Remarks [edit]


int Duration {get; set;}
The length of the animation in milliseconds
bool Loop {get; set;}
True if the animation should be looped
DateTime Timestamp {get; set;}
The server time at which the animation started playing. Useful for synchronizing animation on scene entry


Constructs a new DOMAnimation with default settings
DOMAnimation(DOMObject[] children)
Constructs a new DOMAnimation, adding children at the same time
DOMAnimation(string title, DOMObject[] children)
Constructs a new DOMAnimation, setting a title and adding children at the same time


bool CheckParent(DOMObject parent)
Called on DOMObject derived types just before they are added to the DOM to ensure their parent is appropriate.