Adult Global

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The Adult JavaScript global object is available from server world scripts and provides methods for working with angagements and overlays

  • This is a JavaScript global object named Adult

Remarks [edit]


bool ApplyOverlay(DOMObjectExtended target, string identifier)
Attempts to apply a named overlay to the avatar indicated by target
bool ClearOverlay(DOMObjectExtended target)
Attempts to clear any applied overlay from the avatar indicated by target
EngagementControlExtended CreateEngagement(DOMObjectExtended target, string startingState, bool autoDispose = true, bool usePositionLock = true)
Begins an adult system engagement (shared animation state), using target as the focus or parent object of the engagement and beginning in the state specified by startingState. When autoDispose is true, the engagement will clean itself up when the number of participants falls below critical numbers (usually when the last participant leaves, but in some cases, like hugging, when any one person leaves).
EngagementControlExtended GetEngagement(DOMObjectExtended target)
Tries to find an engagement control involving the DOMObject specified by target.