
From Virtual World Web Wiki
Revision as of 12:10, 30 April 2019 by Spark5 (Talk | contribs) (Documentation for the ParticipantExtended class)

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Represents a participant in an instance. A participant is the owner of a connection's current avatar in an instance of a scene. It represents the user's actions in the instance, and is the source of interaction events like mouse clicks.

  • This is a JavaScript visible object

Remarks [edit]


AbilitySetExtended Abilities {get;}
Gets the ability set for this participant which can be used to create ability groups and abilities and modify their state
Guid AccountID {get;}
Gets the account ID of the participant as a GUID in string format
DOMControllerExtended Controller {get;}
Gets the root DOMController object that represents the participant’s avatar in the room. This will almost always be the only direct DOMController child of the participant document.
string Name {get;}
Gets the participant’s persona’s name.
Guid PersonaID {get;}
Gets the persona ID of the participant as a GUID in string format
Guid SessionID {get;}
Gets the session ID of the participant as a GUID in string format


OnAbilityFired(ParticipantExtended part, string identifier)
part : This participant
identifier : The ability's Identifier
Fires when the connected client fires an ability they've been granted
OnAreaPermissionsChanged(ParticipantExtended part)
part : This participant
Fires when the permission set for this user changes due to changes in permission on the current instance, or any of it’s parent world or area group hierarchy, or due to entity set changes.
OnEntitiesChanged(ParticipantExtended part)
part : This participant
Fires when a the participant’s connection’s entity list changes (i.e. the user joins or leaves a dynamic or entity group).
OnSceneReady(ParticipantExtended part)
part : This participant
Fires when the connected client informs the server that it has loaded all reasources, lowered it’s loading screen, and is ready to show the scene.
OnTargetChanged(DOMObjectExtended newTarget, DOMObjectExtended oldTarget)
newTarget : The new targert
oldTarget : The old target
Fires when the connected client changed it’s targeted DOMObject.
OnTypingStarted(ParticipantExtended part)
part : This participant
Fires when the connected client informs the server that the user has begun typing.
OnTypingStopped(ParticipantExtended part)
part : This participant
Fires when the connected client informs the server that the user has stopped typing.
OnVirtualRealityStarted(ParticipantExtended part)
part : This participant
Fires when the connected client informs the server that the user has turned on their VR headset.
OnVirtualRealityStopped(ParticipantExtended part)
part : This participant
Fires when the connected client informs the server that the user has turned on their VR headset.


bool HasAreaPermission(Guid permissionID)
Checks if this participant’s connection identity has the requested permission in the current area
bool InEntity(Guid entityID)
Checks if this participant’s connection identity is in the requested entity (account, persona, entitygroup, dynamicgroup, etc)
bool NavigateTo(string targetVWW)
Attempts to navigate the participant to another destination scene by vwwUrl and optionally in design mode
void ResetPosition()
Resets the user’s world position to their specified DOMStartPoint or the default DOMStartPoint or origin
void SendChatMessage(string message, ColorLevelPreSets messageStyle = ColorLevelPreSets.System, string name = NULL)
Sends a chat message to this participant
bool SendScriptMessage(int channel, string message)
Sends a message on the specified script communication channel to the participant's client.
void SendUIScript(ResourceValue packageResource, string metadata, string translations = NULL)
Pushes the requested UI package to the connected client

Methods (From Object Market)

void OpenEntityStore(Guid entityId)
Opens the store user interface for the specified persona
void OpenStore(string identifier)
Opens the store user interface for the specified store
void ShowAssetDetails(int assetId, bool canClose = true, bool keepAlive = true)
Opens the store user interface for the specified asset

Methods (From Game Cloud)

void AbandonQuest(string identifier)
Attempts to abandon the specified Quest for this participant.
bool AccountDataExists(string key)
Checks if an account scoped data item exists (is set).
bool CheckGroup(string identifier)
Tests whether the participant is in the EntityGroup which has been registered to your application via the admin GameCloud configuration tool
bool ClearOverlay()
Clears all GameCloud clothing slot overlays on this participant.
bool ClearOverlayItem(string path)
Clears any GameCloud clothing slot overlay in the slot specified by path on this participant.
ConfirmationHandleExtended Confirm(string title, string description, JSFlexibleFunction yesCallback, JSFlexibleFunction noCallback = NULL, string[] buttons = NULL, int timeout = -1, JSFlexibleFunction cancelCallback = NULL)
Initiates a new Confirmation Request meant to confirm something with the user. The participant’s connection will be sent a packet asking them to confirm the activity described by title and description, by pressing one of the described buttons. The confirmation will be automatically cancelled if the user disconnects or navigates. You can provide functions that will be called back when the user presses yes no or cancel.
ConfirmationHandleExtended ConfirmationRequest(string title, string description, string buttons, int defaultButton, int timeout)
Initiates a new Confirmation Request meant to confirm something with the user. The participant’s connection will be sent a packet asking them to confirm the activity described by title and description, by pressing one of the described buttons. The confirmation will be automatically cancelled if the user disconnects or navigates. Buttons are specified as a comma separated list.
bool DataExists(string key)
Checks if a persona scoped data item exists (is set).
void DeleteAccountData(string key)
Deletes the specified account scoped data item.
void DeleteData(string key)
Deletes the specified persona scoped data item.
void Dialog(string identifier, JSFlexibleFunction callback, string title = NULL, string[] choices = NULL)
Opens a GameCloud conversation window with the specified admin-defined dialog. You may override (or provide) run-time response choices. You callback method witll be called with the index of the choice selected (or -1 if the dialog is cancelled)
bool EligibleForQuest(string identifier)
Returns true if this participant is elligible for the specified Quest
void FirePlayerEvent(string identifier)
Fires the specified GameCloud Event for this participant. This may cause Achievement or Quest objectives to be fulfilled.
string GetAccountData(string key)
Gets the value of an account scoped data item.
PlayerAvatarExtended GetAvatar()
Gets the PlayerAvatarExtended for the participant's main avatar
string GetData(string key)
Gets the value of a persona scoped data item.
PlayerExtended GetPlayer()
Gets the PlayerExtended for the participant's "Player" which participates in quests and acheivements
string GetQuestStep(string identifier)
Returns the player's current step on the the specified Quest. Null if they're not on the quest.
bool GiveObject(Guid objectTypeID)
Creates an ObjectTemplate of the ObjectType specified by the Guid in the id parameter and puts it in the participant’s persona’s inventory. Essentially, gives a person a thing, like clothing, or an object for scene editing.
bool GiveUniqueObject(Guid objectTypeID)
Creates an ObjectTemplate of the ObjectType specified by the Guid in the id parameter and puts it in the participant’s persona’s inventory if one doesn't exist already. Essentially, gives a person a thing, like clothing, or an object for scene editing.
bool HasQuest(string identifier)
Returns true if this participant is on the specified Quest
ConfirmationHandleExtended Inform(string title, string description, string buttonText = "core.confirmbutton.ok", int timeout = -1)
Initiates a new Confirmation Request meant to inform the user of something.
ConfirmationHandleExtended Invite(ParticipantExtended sender, string title, string description, JSFlexibleFunction yesCallback, JSFlexibleFunction noCallback = NULL, JSFlexibleFunction cancelCallback = NULL, string[] buttons = NULL, int timeout = -1)
Initiates a new Invite Request meant to facilitate an invite between two users. The participant’s connection will be sent a packet asking them to confirm the activity described by title and description, by pressing one of the described buttons. The confirmation will be automatically cancelled if the user disconnects or navigates. You can provide functions that will be called back when the user presses yes no or cancel. The "sender" and this participant are checked for ignore relationships as well.
bool IsUnlocked(string lockIdentifier)
Checks to see if a feature has been unlocked (all the conditions or steps for a GameCloud lock have been met) for this participant
bool JoinGroup(string identifier, bool accountLevel = false)
Joins the participant to an EntityGroup which has been registered to your application via the admin GameCloud configuration tool
bool LeaveGroup(string identifier, bool accountLevel = false)
Removes the participant from an EntityGroup which has been registered to your application via the admin GameCloud configuration tool
InteractionMappingExtended RegisterInteraction(string selector, string abilityIdentifier)
Registers an ability (created earlier in a call to
) as an interaction that only this participant will see.
void SetAccountData(string key, string value)
Sets the value of an account scoped data item.
void SetData(string key, string value)
Sets the value of a persona scoped data item.
bool SetOverlayBlank(string path)
Sets a 'blank' or clothing remove request as a GameCloud clothing slot overlay in the slot specified by path on this participant.
bool SetOverlayItem(string path, Guid objectTypeID)
Sets the specified object type as a GameCloud clothing slot overlay in the slot specified by path on this participant.
bool StartQuest(string identifier, JSFlexibleFunction success = NULL, JSFlexibleFunction failure = NULL)
Attempts to start this participant on the specified Quest

Methods (From Human Avatars)

ReturnType DisableAbilityGroup(string identifier)
Disables a group of a bilities for an connected participant given an ability identifier
ReturnType EnableAbilityGroup(string identifier)
Enables a group of a bilities for an connected participant given an ability identifier

Methods (From Creature Manager)

ReturnType CreatureType()
Enables a group of abilities for the player. (eg, turning on dance moves when you enter the dance floor)
ReturnType IsMale()
Disables a group of abilities for the player. (eg, turning off dance moves when you leave the dance floor)